Valentine's Day Card for One I Love - 3D Pop Up Bouquet of Roses Design


Celebrate your love with a keepsake bouquet of roses they'll cherish for a lifetime, with this sweet 3D and pop-up Valentine's day card.

Printed on high-quality board, this card pops up into a 3D diorama of a bouquet of roses and vase, and features die-cut details, gold foil details, a mini card for a personal written message, and comes complete with a co-ordinating Hallmark Crown branded red envelope.

This card is fully recyclable, and made of material from well-managed, FSC®-certified forests and other controlled sources.

The mini card is blank for your own personal message.

Flat Card Measures: 20.1 cm by 14 cm, Constructed Card Measures: 24 cm by 13.5 cm by 8.5 cm, Within Standard UK 'Large Letter' Size Limits.