Cards supporting a
different kind of
cancer care

Lisa's Story

Lisa Ellson has been an illustrator at Hallmark for 24 years. Having lost her mum and dad to cancer and subsequently going through her own breast cancer journey, Lisa felt compelled to somehow support people through their journeys and experiences; difficult, scary, and hugely overwhelming experiences.

Just over a year ago, Lisa spoke to her creative team about that growing desire to help and use her personal and professional skills in a supportive way. As an illustrator, visually communicating with warmth and emotion is Lisa’s day job and she knew she could create something to share her personal understanding of diagnosis, treatment and beyond, and offer support to others when they really needed it.

About Maggie's

Maggie’s is a different kind of cancer care. At each of Maggie’s 24 centres around the UK, you’ll find welcoming spaces, expert care and support for everyone with cancer and all the people who love them. Bright and welcoming spaces, help with money worries and managing stress, and a friendly place to go when you need someone to listen. Maggie’s provide expert support to everyone with cancer and all the people who love them. It’s always free and you don’t need an appointment.

Lisa sought virtual support from Maggie’s during Covid and has since visited the centre, describing it as a beautiful and special place. The charity is very special to her, as they offered enormous support and comfort right when she needed it.




Find Your Nearest Centre

You don’t need to live near a Maggie’s to get cancer support. Search for your nearest centre geographically, leave your details and a cancer support specialist will call you.

Meaningful Partnership

Lisa’s research uncovered that conversations around breast cancer used ‘battle language’ and that just did not feel like her. She knew others must feel the same way...

Support for Friends and Family

Maggie's offers a wide range of support for friends and family, from important resources in your new role as a carer, or suggestions on how to talk about it.

Hallmark is proud to support Maggie's (Registered Charity Number: SC024414) with a donation of £5,000, which will be paid regardless of the number of cards sold.