As the school year comes to an end and the kids get ready to face the next chapter in their education journey, you (and they) might be thinking about sending some gratitude to the hardworking people who’ve helped and guided them throughout the last year. From teaching assistants to teachers, from nursery staff to A-level tutors, there’s a whole army of people who can make a difference to a child in school… and there’s a huge variety of ways to say thank you to them too!

Of course our favourite way to say thanks is always with a handwritten card, just likes these ones, or a note, and we really do think it’s one of the loveliest and most meaningful ways to express how grateful you are. Any teacher will definitely appreciate such a thoughtful gesture and, whether you choose to add a gift of chocolates, flowers, wine or something more personal to that particular teacher, we guarantee that if you get that thank you message right it'll be something they’ll treasure forever… long after those flowers or chocolates are gone.

Which brings us to the next question, what exactly do you write in a thank you card for an awesome teacher? How do you sum up what they’ve done? Or show how much it has meant? Well, hopefully we can help with that, our “What to Write in a Thank-You Teacher Card” guide is full of gratitude-filled inspiration and fantastic message ideas from the Hallmark writers. So, whether you’re looking for something, sweet and simple or something more heartfelt and personal we hope that we can help you find the perfect way to express your appreciation in writing. We’ve collected a bunch of ideas for you and split them into handy groups so it’s entirely up to you whether you read everything or skip to a specific thank-you section that suits your particular needs.

Simple Thanks

Let’s start with the simple stuff, if you’ve chosen a card with a printed sentiment (that goes beyond just a simple “thank you”), then you might not feel you need to add very much. Perhaps you just want to mention the reason you’re thanking the recipient, and then you could add a warm thought along the lines of the ones below…


  • Thank you, [Teacher’s Name]! You’re the Best!

  • Thank you so much for all your help.

  • Thanks for everything you’ve done this year.

  • You make learning fun. Thank you.

  • Teachers like you make pupils’ days brighter.

  • Your kindness is what makes you such a great teacher.

  • Thanks for all your time and care this year.

  • You’re an amazing teacher. And you made this an amazing year.

  • You’ve made such a difference.

  • You’re the best teacher anyone could ask for!

Writing tip: Write your thank-you card while the events of the year are still fresh in your mind. And we guarantee you, however simple your note of appreciation is, your teacher will absolutely love it!

Special Thanks

Everyone has things that they struggle with in school, or things going on at times that make school harder to deal with, and a talented and caring teacher can make all the difference to their students’ ability to overcome any difficulties they might face. So, if a teacher has gone above and beyond this year, has helped with a particularly tricky subject or smoothed a difficult situation, let them know that their efforts have been appreciated.

General examples

  • This has been a tough year, and your help made such a difference.

  • Hope you know just how much your help has meant.

  • For all the little and big ways you’ve been there…thank you!

  • There was nothing random about your acts of kindness. Thanks for everything.

  • I/We can never thank you enough. But this seems like a good place to start.

  • You really do know how to make life brighter and better for everyone you teach.

  • In and out of the classroom, you are helpful, supportive and just the kind of teacher everyone would wish for.

  • Teachers like you make the world a nicer, kinder and more hopeful place.

  • You went above and beyond, and I am touched and grateful.

Writing tip: If writing a thank-you note suddenly seems to turn your writing awkwardly stiff or way too formal, just try to relax and try to write like you speak. If you’re someone who would say, “Thanks for helping me out with maths!” then say that, just exactly like that, there's no need to try and get fancy with it if that’s not you… simple and sincere always works.

More Specific Examples

  • Thank you for sitting with Maddie and taking the time to teach her the times tables, she loves to show us how good she is at them now!

  • Acting out Shakespeare in the classroom was great, it made the plays so much easier to get into and understand!

  • Thank you for being so understanding and supportive when I was going through a rough time, it meant a lot.

  • The time you spent helping Jack with his spelling has made all the difference – he’s so much more confident with them now! Thank you again.

  • You’re kind, caring, patient and a great example of the kind of person I want to be.

  • Thank you for making me feel so welcome in your class, it was hard joining part way through the year and you made it so much easier to settle in.

  • Thank you so much for staying behind and tutoring me before my exams.

Writing tip – If there are specific moments when a teacher has made a difference, or a unique project they’ve been involved in, mention them! The teacher will definitely appreciate being acknowledged and having their hard work remembered.

Silly Thanks

Saying thank you doesn’t have to be a big serious endeavour either, if you’re looking for something a little more lighthearted to express your gratitude at the end of the year then maybe one of these fun suggestions will fit the bill?


  • You totally deserve an A*

  • This Teacher a.) has lots of class. b.) deserves applause. c.) loves compliments. d.) all of the above. e.) all of the above and then some.

  • Great teachers are in a class of their own.

  • Teaching A* Explaining stuff A* Listening A* Understanding A* Helping A* Here's your report card! Thanks for being a great teacher!

  • [Teacher’s Name] you get a perfect grade!

  • u r 1 gr8 tchr! tx 4 evrythng!

  • 10/10 Excellent Work!

Writing tip: Silly or serious, simple or heartfelt, you should express your gratitude in whatever way feels most comfortable for you. The important thing is that it comes from the heart and is sincerely meant.

Want to go the extra mile? Add a little token of your appreciation to the note with a fantastic collectible ornament from our exclusive ranges.

July 12, 2023